ICT Grant – Delayed Payment

IPPN notes that the ICT Grant, due for payment in the third term, has not yet been paid and that the grant is not listed on the FSSU schedule of grants for 2022/23. IPPN has sought clarity from the FSSU and the DE as to why the grant has not yet issued to schools and when schools can expect to receive it. The following is the response received today from the DE :

“Under the Digital Strategy for Schools 2015 to 2020 overall investment of €210m issued to all recognised primary and post-primary schools in annual grant funding. This funding was to support schools to invest in appropriate digital infrastructure to embed the use of digital technology in teaching, learning and assessment.

The new Digital Strategy for Schools to 2027 was published last year and is underpinned by an investment of €200m to support schools over the period committed to under Ireland’s National Development Plan (NDP). The first tranche of €50m issued to all recognised primary and post-primary schools in late 2021.

It is hoped to issue the next tranche of funding in the 2023-2024 school year. As with all such funding, the issuing of the grant is subject to the availability of Exchequer funding and the wider capital needs of the Department. It is anticipated that the funding committed to under the NDP will be available to support the implementation of the Digital Strategy to Schools in future years and you will be kept informed of developments for the current year.

The non-payment of the ICT Grant directly compromises and undermines the coherent implementation of a digital strategy in schools. It would be advisable that the issue of the non-payment of the grant is flagged at the next meeting of the school’s Board of Management in keeping with the Board’s oversight role in relation to budgeting, income and expenditure. Boards who are concerned about this issue should represent such concerns to their patron/management bodies.

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