Pilot Project: Counselling and Mental Health Supports to Primary Schools

IPPN welcomes the recent announcement by the Minister of a pilot to provide counselling supports to children in emotional distress. Phase 2 of the pilot aims to establish psychotherapeutic supports in schools for children, staff and parents.

In 2016, IPPN facilitated a symposium to raise awareness and put wellbeing at the heart of each school community. Since then, IPPN has worked with the Wellbeing for All group (Ombudsman for Children, Teaching Council, National Parents Council, NAPD and IPPN) to influence a culture of emotional wellness in schools, ensured that this area become a priority at every event for members, made a submission and attended the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Mental Health (JOC), advocating for school community-based mental health supports to help children directly, where they learn.

The mental health problems experienced by children since the pandemic have underlined even more the urgency of addressing the needs of children, their parents and school staff. Early intervention, joined-up thinking, an integrated approach across health and education and timely access to supports for children are urgently needed.

The pilot is a first step in what is hoped will become a mental health support infrastructure available to all schools nationally. IPPN is committed to supporting the schools involved in the pilot, as well as working with all the stakeholders involved to ensure a successful outcome. This close working relationship between all parties is a welcome development.

Click here to view IPPN’s Submission 

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