IPPN response to DE Circulars issued 11th April

Department of EducationIt is a matter of significant concern to IPPN that the staffing circular for the 2022/23 school year was so late in issuing to schools.IPPN has been lobbying for the publication of this important circular since February, to ensure that schools had sufficient time to determine their allocation of mainstream class and special education teachers for next year. Not only would this have provided certainty to the teachers that may have been impacted but it would also have meant that redeployment and clustering could have been completed in a timely fashion and at a more appropriate time.

As the circular is two months later issuing than would be preferable, the process of planning for next year has been delayed and compromised.Given the challenging circumstances in which schools have been operating this year, it is most regrettable that school leaders find themselves in this situation.

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