Airgead Bunscoile – No new versions after 2022/23 school year
- Published: 12 January 2023
This is an important notification for members who have been using the spreadsheet tool ‘Airgead Bunscoile’ to manage school finances. The 2022/23 version is the final update available through IPPN. Schools are advised to seek advice from FSSU regarding the coming school year. The FSSU is the Financial Support Services Unit providing a dedicated financial support service for schools.
The format of the FSSU Monthly Reporting Templates is consistent with the standardised national template for annual school accounts and is fully supported, without cost, by their team of Accounting Technicians.
Primary School Leadership:The Case for Urgent Action - A Roadmap to Sustainability
- Published: 17 November 2022
We are delighted to share with you a copy of IPPN’s research publication Primary School Leadership: The Case for Urgent Action - A Roadmap to Sustainability. This report is the culmination of over two years of research and consultation exploring the current reality and sustainability of primary leadership and six related themes:
- Effective School Leadership & Core Purpose
- Preparation for Leadership
- Recruitment
- Time and Space to Lead
- Sharing and Supporting Leadership
- Governance.
Each of these chapters sets out recommendations - or a roadmap to sustainability - for that aspect of school leadership.
2024 Ciall Ceannaithe - Online Course
- Published: 17 June 2015
Ciall Ceannaithe is IPPN’s dedicated online training course for school leaders both newly appointed and as well as experienced principals who wish to refresh their practice and update their skills.