ICP 2009 Convention ends in Singapore [icp.org]

The convention ended yesterday. On behalf of the ICP and the 1400+ delegates who attended the convention at the Suntec Convention Centre in Singapore, we would like to thank and congratulate Belinda Charles, the President of the Academy of Principals Singapore, and her dedicated, hard-working team and their committees for a brilliant 4 day experience. Delegates from 40 countries really enjoyed the presentations, the social events, and the opportunities for professional and personal networking that the convention provided for them.

The report from the conference will be available from this website in the next 2-3 weeks. It will contain session notes from the keynote addresses, presentations from the most of the keynotes, plenaries and the concurrent sessions, and audio recordings of the keynote addresses. To access the report, you will need to login to the Members Area - your local ICP member association can provide you with the username and password if they have not already given them to you

cf. http://www.icponline.org/

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