Teachers paid millions for work they didn't do [independent.ie]

THE Department of Education paid millions of euro of taxpayers' money to teachers for work they didn't do, a probe by the spending watchdog reveals.

A report by the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG), seen by the Irish Independent, found a litany of problems with the €100m Supervision and Substitution Scheme.

It raises serious questions about the value for money achieved by the scheme, which Education Minister Batt O'Keeffe is now overhauling as part of his cost-cutting drive.

The C&AG audit focused on the €35m spent in the second-level schools in the voluntary, comprehensive and community sectors, which account for 70pc of post-primary schools.

More than 13,000 teachers in these schools received €25m in the 2007/2008 year and an additional €10m was paid to schools to cover administration and other costs.

cf. http://www.independent.ie/


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