An Bord Snip Nua - Statement by Eileen Flynn, General Secretary [CPSMA]

Response to the Report of the Special Group on Public Service Numbers and Expenditure Programmes
(An Bord Snip Nua) - Statement by Eileen Flynn, General Secretary, CPSMA

CPSMA has grave concerns regarding the recommendations in the report, as they pertain to primary schools.

The proposed cut of 20% in capitation grant to primary schools means that Boards of Management will not have sufficient funds to discharge day to day costs and will seriously affect the ability of Boards of Management to run primary schools. The report does not seem to have taken into account the contribution of the 20,000 volunteers (i.e. members of Board of Management) who have managed and run the primary system over several decades up to the present at no cost to the state. Primary education has always been underfunded even during recent times of plenty. Boards have the statutory responsibility for managing schools but they cannot continue do so without adequate funding from the state.

The proposed increase in class size means that the individual child's education will be seriously affected and also targets those most in need.

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