Swine Flu Meeting INTO / DES

Statement by Maire Ni Chuinneagain, INTO President, on Swine Flu - INTO describes meeting with Department officials as very productive.

The INTO described its meeting with the Department of Education and Science today on swine flu as very productive. President of the primary teachers' union, Maire Ni Chuinneagain said the meeting clarified issues raised by the INTO. She said she expected all primary schools to open as planned in the coming days.

Advice to schools is available on a number of websites (www.education.ie, www.cpsma.ie, www.swineflu.ie, www.dohc.ie). A further letter will be sent to schools by the Department next week which will inform all schools where this information is available. This information will be updated as often as necessary.

Full Story: http://www.into.ie/ROI/NewsEvents/PressReleases/Title,13064,en.php


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