Staffing concerns over swine flu leave at schools []

SCHOOLS could face staffing difficulties if they are not allowed to bring in substitutes for teachers out sick with suspected swine flu, second level principals have claimed.

Despite some public concern about schools reopening, the HSE said yesterday that there is no reasons why they should not operate as normal and it is working with the Department of Education to finalise advice to schools.

But, with dozens of the country's 730 second-level schools due to open next week, the National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals (NAPD) said it needs to clarify issues around sick leave certification with the Department of Education.

Cutbacks in place since January have restricted the amount of substitution the department will pay for schools to cover uncertified sick leave and official school business, but teachers may be unable to get a doctor's certificate if they follow medical advice to avoid surgery visits if they have flu symptoms.

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