Secondary schools students get moodling []

Secondary schools throughout Ireland can struggle to find a budget to implement a virtual learning environment (VLE) but transition year students can help by developing their own.

ICT firm Enovation Solutions has created a new module that will allow transition year students to literally grow their own VLE with course materials supplied by teachers and technical support available to help with implementation.

The platform for the virtual learning environment is Moodle and it allows teachers and students to collaborate and share materials including multimedia content either within the school network or from home.

Enovation's Moodle4schools also provides a full set of teacher notes to accompany the module for transition year students and comes preloaded with content from leading publishers for Irish secondary schools.

The idea of the Moodle course for transition year students is that it will be self-sustaining with each new transition year group carrying on the legacy and further developing the system.

Moodle is not just for sharing learning material but can also work as a messaging system, allowing teachers to communicate with each other, their classes and individual students.

It also acts as an administration tool so teachers can track student records, attendance, exam results, and upload school calendars and course outlines.


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