We spend less on children than most OECD countries [Independent.ie]

IRELAND spends less on its children than the average in the developed world -- and the under-sixes fare worst of all.

The Government invests €81,000 on children up to the age of 18 -- which is €7,000 less than the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) average and €22,000 less than the UK.

And the share of that money going to Irish under-sixes -- in what the OECD calls the crucial 'Dora the Explorer years' -- is also below the OECD average.

Ireland is one of a number of countries spending "relatively little on young children", according to the first-ever report on child well-being in 30 OECD member countries.

Full Story: http://www.independent.ie/


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