In my opinion: Community role played by VECs must be recognised []

The publication of the An Bord Snip Report recommending extensive expenditure cuts across the public service has generated much public debate and media comment. The report's recommendation to abolish 11 of the State's 33 Vocational Education Committees (VECs) has generated some media attention on the functions and administration of these statutory local education authorities, much of which has been ill-informed.

This proposal is not new and dates back to the late 1990s when the rush towards regional educational boards was halted by the then Minister for Education, Micheal Martin, who fulfilled his government's commitment to 'ring-fence' VECs. The present economic difficulties have provided an opportunity for the cost-cutter's knife to renew old agendas.

Current economic difficulties have engendered a focus on efficiencies, and efficiency auditors are in the ascendancy, with a one-dimensional brief to focus solely on costs, not benefits.

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