400,000 teachers join interactive whiteboard community [SiliconRepublic]

Interactive education giant Promethean has revealed that membership of its teaching and learning community Promethean Planet has hit 400,000 professionals, including 3,600 in Ireland.

Other figures reveal that downloads of flipcharts, Promethean's interactive teaching content, exceeded 4m in one year, while September 2009 hosted the busiest day for site traffic with nearly 30,000 visits in 24 hours.

Highlighting local growth, Irish members have increased by more than two-thirds since January 2009 to more than 3,600. To address the growing demand, Promethean Planet has recently launched four local language sites, with a further four becoming available by the end of September.

Full Story: http://www.siliconrepublic.com/news/article/13882/randd/400-000-teachers-join-interactive-whiteboard-community


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