Homework's Powerful Effects on Learning [ASCD.org]

What sort of effect does homework have on student learning? In the April 1985 issue of Educational Leadership, educators Herbert J. Walberg, Rosanne A. Paschal, and Thomas Weinstein synthesize 15 studies and find a direct correlation between homework and student achievement.

Read the article: Homework's Powerful Effects on Learning (PDF)

"There seems little doubt that homework has substantial effects on students' learning," the group notes. The authors cite studies claiming that if homework is assigned, a student in the 50th percentile will jump to the 60th. If the homework is graded, the increase is even more dramatic, with students jumping from 50th to 79th. The authors also argue that Japanese students have higher student achievement scores as a direct result of the larger amount of homework they do.

Full Story: http://ascd.typepad.com/


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