Sick of whingeing teachers []

Sir, It makes me sick to hear all the complaints in the national media about the class sizes that teachers have to contend with. In my happy youth spent in Strand Road Boys National School in Tralee the four teachers taught in a room full of up to 70 boys.

Of course they were real teachers who earned their crust, not like the spoilt lot in modern society who seem more interested in the long holidays so that they can go double jobbing for greed and big houses.

The teachers believe that they run the country. They once held a high profile and dictated the way people led their lives but that is no longer, which is a good thing. They have hefty salaries and a huge state pension after taking early retirement. The Department of Education must stand up to these glorified chosen people, whose profession is a closed shop with sons and daughters following in the same soft tradition as their parents.

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