Special Needs kids suffer with no SNAs [finegael.org]

Fine Gael Seanad Spokesperson on Education, Fidelma Healy Eames today (Monday) said the Minister must provide alternative support for children with special needs when reports* of 1200 SNAs (Special Needs Assistants) cease their classroom work this Friday due to cutbacks.

“Through the Government policy of inclusion, the idea behind the SNA was to go give the special needs child a 'level playing field' or, at best, a reasonable chance of keeping up with the mainstream. The Minister must state and account for how this can happen in the absence of the SNA. He has put no other support in place instead. It is not fair to expect the teacher to cope alone. In fact with some teachers having three to four children with special needs in a mainstream class it is just not possible.


Full Story: www.finegael.org


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