Catholic 'control' of schools exaggerated [IrishTimes]

OPINION: THE LAUNCH of Catholic Schools Week 2010 takes place today – in the week of the publication of the latest Irish Times Ipsos/MRBI poll. This survey makes startling reading for all associated with Catholic schools. The finding that a majority of people believes that the Catholic Church should give up its control of the primary school system calls for serious in-depth consideration as we reflect on the role of Catholic schools in society and in the life of the church, writes LEO O'REILLY

The use of the phrase “control of the primary school system” in the Irish Times survey is emotive and misleading. It is emotive because it elicits a sceptical reaction from the respondent, as nobody wishes to be controlled. It is misleading because it ignores the presence of other patrons and suggests that the Catholic Church has a level of control not granted to other patrons/trustees or owners of schools. This is simply not the case. All patrons enjoy the same level of control as Catholic patrons do, and it should be pointed out that this control is quite limited.


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