Huge take up of Free Pre - School Year []

Over 51,000 children have registered to take part in the Early Childhood Care and Education scheme from January 2010. This is the first time that a free pre-school year has been made available on a universal basis to all children in the year prior to starting primary school.

Announcing the figures this evening, Minister Andrews said, “I am delighted with the strong take up for the free pre-school year. To reach a figure in excess of 50,000 participating children in the first year of the scheme is a tremendous success. The officials in my Department have done Trojan work to ensure the success of the scheme. The value of the universal provision of pre-school will be seen as these children make their way through the primary education system. It is an historic step and must be built on into the future. I have no doubt that in the years to come we will look back on this initiative as an important step in our children’s development and society’s appreciation of the role of early years care and education.”


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