Teacher's Pet [IrishTimes]

An insider's guide to education

- WHO ARE the big winners and losers in the grade inflation scandal which has had such a huge impact across the education system?

Politically, Minister for Education Batt O’Keeffe is being rightly credited for his resolution in taking on the sensitive issue. His decision to launch an inquiry was even lauded by Brian Hayes of Fine Gael and Ruairí Quinn of Labour. To his credit, O’Keeffe – like Noel Dempsey – has always been sceptical about the extravagant claims made about Ireland’s “world class’’ education system. Intel and the rest told him we were average at best – and he responded.

- JIM O’HARA , general manager of Intel Ireland, and John Herlihy, a vice president with Google, also deserve great credit. It was O’Hara who played a key behind-the-scenes role to bring former Intel chief Craig Barrett to the Farmleigh summit last summer, when he first exposed the deep-rooted problems in Irish education.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com


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