Further Learning Higher Education Postgraduate Corporate Training International 2,000 special needs teaching jobs face axe [learningireland.ie]

THE likelihood of special needs assistants (SNAs) being withdrawn from thousands of children in schools will be strengthened by a recommendation from An Bord Snip Nua to cut their numbers by almost a fifth. The board suggested the number of SNAs who help pupils with special needs be cut by 2,000 to 8,500. It pointed out that some schools keep SNAs after the child they are assigned to leaves the school or no longer needs their help.

But a number of reviews are already under way into the 10,500 SNA jobs, which cost around €350 million this year. A value-for-money audit on the service is being carried out by the Department of Education and the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) has also carried out a review.


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