100 teachers sent packing by Ed Minister [finegael.org]

The Minister for Education has confirmed that over 100 teachers working in the professional development section of his Department will now be sent back to their schools following a savage cutback in this area according to information released to Fine Gael Education Spokesman, Brian Hayes TD (see Parliamentary Question at end).

“Minister O’Keeffe has now admitted to me that 100 teachers who have particular expertise in career development for the 55,000 teachers around the country will now be sent packing. The quality of our teachers in our schools makes all the difference. Professional development is at the core of improving standards and developing a more broadly based curriculum. This massive cut from 250 to 150 teachers will set back career development by over a decade and is a short-sighted move on the part of Minister Batt O’Keeffe.


Full Story: www.finegael.org


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