Chalk and talk... Walsh throws fuel on to a raging fire []

Former University of Limerick President Dr Ed Walsh is never short of a quotable quote. He went on two radio stations yesterday to denounce the "selfish and unpatriotic" teachers who were threatening industrial action over pay and came up with a novel idea. "Why not let them go on strike for a year and we would save €4bn in wages," he suggested.

Mary gets offer she cannot refuse

Incoming INTO general secretary Sheila Nunan offered newcomer Minister Mary Coughlan a 'deal' yesterday: "If you don't believe half the things you've heard about teachers, we won't believe half the things we've heard about you." She was joking, wasn't she?

She also declared that being average at maths was not good enough, which brings to mind the former US president who expressed outrage when he was told that half the nation's students were below average in maths -- he declared that everybody should be above average in maths.


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