Growing indiscipline in schools blamed on cutbacks and recession [IrishTimes]

TEACHERS' UNION OF IRELAND: DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOUR in classrooms has worsened as a result of the recession and education cutbacks, the Teachers’ Union of Ireland has warned.

The impact of pay cuts and job losses on some families has led to increasingly difficult behaviour among students, says the union.

Schools are losing structures they have put in place to tackle indiscipline because of the embargo on filling posts of responsibility.

In a behaviour and attitudes survey carried out on behalf of the TUI last week, 81 per cent of teachers said dealing with discipline had increased their workload over the last five years.

“Classroom disruption remains a matter of immediate concern to parents because it deprives their children of a proper learning environment,” TUI general secretary Peter MacMenamin said at the union’s annual congress in Ennis, Co Clare, which concluded yesterday.


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