Education Issues for Party Political Canvassers

Important Education Issues Urgently Needing Debate

Education seems to have slipped off the election agenda


Capitation Grant reduction:
 o Primary schools already dependant on fund raising
 o Grant for operational costs to be cut by a further 5%

• General Allocation of Special Education Needs Resources: 
 o Review completed, but not published.  Because of increased enrolment in most schools and corresponding increase in numbers of children with SEN – if the DES applied the existing ratio of support services per school it would require additional teachers and SNAs – review must be published

• Class size:
 o Average class size 28 – largest in Europe

• Cap on Special Needs Assistants:
 o Number of children with SEN increasing as population also increases
 o Cap on SNAs will result in more children being unable to attend mainstream schools

Moratorium on permanent teaching posts:
 o Permanent teaching positions being appointed as temporary teachers only – questionable practice under employment law – undermining teaching profession leaving schools in a state of uncertainty

Dismantling of In School Management structure:
 o Assistant Principals and Special Duties Teachers not being replaced – key  in-school management capacity being taken out of schools

School Buildings:
 o Millions of euros wasted on renting prefab classrooms – need for an effective strategy to spend budget available – does the DES need to be involved in the minutia of prioritizing and sanctioning school building projects – outsource?

Reduction in numbers of English as an Additional Language (EAL) teachers:
 o Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of immigrant families with school going children have not repatriated – the impact of losing EAL teachers on the other children in class will negatively affect efforts to improve literacy standards in schools

Reduction of supports for Traveller education:
 o The integration of traveller children into mainstream classes present many challenges for schools – to remove resource teachers for traveller children and visiting teacher service for travellers children will undo much of what has been achieved in recent years

School transport:
 o Bus Eireann transport in rural areas no longer freely available
 o Schools that have amalgamated – school transport provided to facilitate the amalgamation now being withdrawn



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