Teachers have to take the pain too [clarechampion.ie]

It hurts me to say this but I believe that teachers – the people we depend on to educate our children and our grandchildren – have lost all credibility.

I say it hurts me because there is chalk in my blood. My father was a teacher and so was his sister. My own sister was a teacher. Three of my children are teachers. I even did a bit of teaching myself in another life. I would love to be able to say that some of my best friends are teachers. But they no longer are. I mean they are still teachers but they are no longer my best friends. We fell out because of my attitude to them. Hopefully, we will be friends again when they see the light.
I cannot for the life of me understand their attitude. Surely, they know that the country is broke. We all know it. We have to borrow heavily from abroad to pay their wages and the wages of other public servants.

And if they don’t accept the pay cuts imposed in the last Budget, we won’t be able to borrow any more to pay their wages. It’s as simple as that. Now, I have met some teachers who teach Irish but cannot conduct a simple conversation in that language with me. But I never knew there were teachers out there who cannot do simple sums. They can talk until the cows come home about the unfairness of it all and of how they are not to blame for the recession.


Full Story: www.clarechampion.ie


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