Teachers told to back Croke Park deal or else face pay cut [Independent.ie]

PRIMARY teachers have been warned to back the Croke Park deal or face drastic pay cuts when the Government seeks €6bn in savings.

With just days to go before balloting ends, the only teacher union backing a 'yes' vote said there was a "real and substantial threat" that wages would be slashed again.

The Irish National Teachers' Organisation, representing over 31,000 members, listed the threat of pay cuts in a document outlining 10 things they should consider when voting.

Its members are expected to finish balloting before the end of the week, along with the other main teacher unions.

The other unions -- ASTI with 18,273 members, TUI with 15,800, and IFUT with 2,040 -- have recommended that their members reject the deal.


Full Story: www.independent.ie


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