Listen up: we can all learn from Principal Cameron []

With the oil pouring out of a hole under the Caribbean, it's been a nicely simple matter of turning to my CSPE class and telling them that it's all the fault of the power-mad, Right-wing nutters in the US Republican Party, such as the Bushes.

US politics are reassuringly distant and black and white for the teacher who is given the brief of teaching kids about the threats to the environment on one hand, and the dirty business of politics on the other.

Put simply, I can point to George W Bush and say 'bad' and to Obama and say 'good'. What I'm tempted to tell them, but can't, is that I have always put the Republicans, the UK Conservative Party and our own Fianna Fail in the same bracket -- under the heading of big clubs for the rich and greedy that use the razzmatazz of flag-waving and self-adoration that accompanies patriotism to protect their gang's interests.

That was until the outcome of the UK general election last month.


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