Sex pest forced teacher to quit job, court told []

A SECONDARY school teacher told the High Court yesterday she was sexually harassed and bullied over a four-year period by a male colleague.

Mary O'Toole claims fellow teacher Jim Mooney leered at her, inappropriately touched her, subjected her to verbal insults and demeaned her on a number of occasions between 1996 and 2000 at Tullamore College, Co Offaly.

She claims her employer, Offaly VEC, did nothing about her complaints about Mr Mooney and in 2001 she moved to another school.

Mrs O'Toole told the court that Mr Mooney would put his hands on her back in the staffroom and rub her. On occasions, when she was walking home from school, he drove past her in his car and called out "would you like a ride, Mary" with a grin on his face.


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