Protest to highlight disability cutbacks []

Thousands of people are expected to take part in a national protest aimed at highlighting cuts to intellectual disability services on Wednesday.

The protest has been organised by Inclusion Ireland, the National Association for People with an Intellectual Disability. According to the association, the Government ‘must listen to people with disabilities and their families on July 7'.

"People with disabilities have been presented with cuts to essential services without prior consultation. The message will go out loud and clear at the gates of Leinster House on July 7 that this is not acceptable. The much lauded National Disability Strategy has been gradually dismantled over the last two years. This has been compounded by cuts to education and social welfare for people with disabilities," insisted Inclusion Ireland CEO, Deirdre Carroll.

She pointed out that a number of recommendations contained in the Disability Strategy, such as the introduction of a personal advocacy service, have been deferred indefinitely.


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