ISPCC calls for a ban on physical punishment of children []

Responding to the research carried out on behalf of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs (Parenting Styles and Discipline: OMCYA June 2010), the ISPCC is calling for the introduction of a complete ban on physical punishment of children without delay.

The ISPCC welcomes this research and believes that it reflects that slapping has become less acceptable as a form of discipline, and that increasingly fewer parents now support its usage.

Some key findings of the research are:

Use of Physical Punishment;
The majority of parents favour non-aggressive discipline strategies such as verbal reasoning and calm discussion with their children

Just 25% of parents surveyed reported having used physical punishment in the last year, of this just 3.3% reported using physical punishment "often"

3% indicated they shook, grabbed or pushed a child in the past year

Children aged between 2-9 are more likely to be physically punished

Almost all of the parents in the study who did use physical punishment used it in addition to other strategies such as threats/time out/withdrawal of privileges


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