A mum's work is never done and replacing her would cost €60,000 [Independent.ie]

A WOMAN'S work is never done and it is also hugely undervalued, a new study shows.

It would cost around €60,000 a year to replace the work done by a typical multi-tasking mother.

This includes jobs such as cooking, housekeeping, taxi-driving for children as well as being an event planner and gardener, a new study into the monetary contribution of stay-at-home parents shows.

Replacing the housekeeping work done by a typical mother alone would cost almost €8,000 a year, the study by Caledonian Life reveals.

Stay-at-home mothers perform a large range of tasks that include everything from being a tutor to school children, to acting as a psychologist to troubled teenagers. Now, insurer Caledonian Life has tried to put a value on these jobs and concluded that replacing a homemaker costs an arm and a leg.


Full Story: www.independent.ie


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