Schools allowed to fill promotion posts []

Primary and secondary schools with a significant number of vacancies will be allowed to fill some promotion posts after Education Minister Mary Coughlan TD agreed arrangements for a limited derogation from the current moratorium with the Department of Finance.

Minister Coughlan believes that a number of schools have been more affected by the moratorium than others and while some positions will now be filled, the overall numbers continue to drop. “The impact of the moratorium is uneven across schools,” she insisted.

“For some schools, between this year and the coming school year, the level of retirements will create a significant number of vacancies. The changes that I am now making will allow those schools to fill a limited number of vacancies while the overall number of promotion positions continues to reduce.

“Second level schools will be able to make appointments to vacant Assistant Principal posts where the overall number of posts in a school falls below a certain minimum. The new arrangements will also cover situations where schools have certain vacancies relating to the co-ordination of the delivery of such programmes as Leaving Certificate Applied and Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme.”


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