Schools board may axe substitute teachers []

An education board may cut all substitute jobs for teachers under £3.6 million cost-saving proposals.

Squeezing three pupils into bus seats designed for two, reducing school maintenance and even cutting book stocks could also be introduced under the plans.

Savings are also to be made in special needs provision at the South Eastern Education and Library Board (SEELB) this financial year.

Arthur McGarrigle, Northern Ireland secretary for the NASUWT union, said the substitute teaching cuts could have a detrimental effect. He said: "Teachers will be coming in with ill-health because they will be scared to take time off as that will inconvenience their colleagues. As a result they will become more ill and will require even more time off than they would have. If someone has the flu and won`t take the time off as it will affect their colleagues, a lot of others will get it."


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