Revealed: Board's plans to save money this year []

A TASTE of just how savage funding cuts to the public services here will be has been revealed in a leaked document from the South Eastern Education and Library Board, which was passed anonymously to the Star this week.

The report, entitled 'Resource Allocation Plans 2010-11', reveals cuts proposed by the Board, including over £1 million in the budget for maintaining local schools and over £800,000 to the budget allocated for Special Schools.

The Board was quick to insist the plans had not been finalised and insisted it was a "working document". However, they confirmed the report has been submitted to the Department of Education for approval.

A spokesperson for the South Eastern Education and Library Board said: "This plan had been submitted to the Department of Education but has not yet been approved. There are ongoing discussions and revisions being made to this document. Therefore this should be regarded as a working document."


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