Parents urged to join postcard protest over ABA schools [IrishExaminer]

PARENTS of children with autism are being encouraged to join a postcard campaign to protest plans to transform the country’s 13 ABA schools for children with autism into special schools using a range of different teaching methods.

Tish Durkin, who is a mother of a child with autism, has ordered some 10,000 postcards in the shape of a stop sign.

Her plan is for people from all over the country to send the cards to Education Minister Mary Coughlan with duplicates going to the senders’ local TDs.

The department is proposing to change the 13 ABA schools, which have up to 300 pupils on their roll, into a mixed model, whereby other teaching methods, such as PECS and TEACCH, are used along with ABA. Such methods are already used in the ABA pilot projects but ABA would not remain as the guiding philosophy.

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