The jumping cost of education []

Funding the education has become a crippling cost for most households. It is so expensive that it is probably the second biggest outlay for the majority of families after a mortgage.

Research by the Bank of Ireland in conjunction with parent resource shows the cost of educating a child from primary school through to college at around €70,000.

Putting it that way makes the costs seem horrendous and must make families whose children have yet to enter on to the schools system wonder how they will afford it.

Of course these costs are incremental -- you do not have to shell out all that money in advance. Instead it is paid out in dribs and drabs, however, is nonetheless a huge drain on the family budget.

The research found that the cost of putting a child through primary school is about €13,000. For secondary school an outlay of €14,100 is required, with third level costs at €42,000, a figure that excludes the muted re-introduction of college fees.


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