The free school myth [IrishTimes]

High-priced books, uniforms and ‘voluntary’ contributions are only the start of it – parents are getting ready to shell out hundreds for what is supposed to be a free education system, writes CONOR POPE

CAN THERE BE A more ugly phrase in the English language than “back to school”? Even typing the words makes Pricewatch feel uncomfortable and it’s been over 20 years since we cast aside our tatty old schoolbag for the very last time.

Of course it is not just the children who go to school who hear these words with dread. Those who have to stump up the cash to send them back there have cause to hate them too. Once the books, uniforms, schoolbags, tracksuits, trainers, sports fees, “voluntary” contributions and a host of other items are accounted for, many parents will spend over €1,000 per child to cover the cost of what is a supposedly free education system.


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