Call for Coughlan to tackle issue of excessively heavy schoolbags [IrishTimes]

THE CHIROPRACTORS’ Association of Ireland has called on the Minister for Education, Mary Coughlan, to address the “unnecessary damage” being caused to children’s backs because of excessively heavy schoolbags.

“Heavily laden schoolbags place stress on growing spines and can lead to long-term back problems. If measures are not taken soon, the situation will reach a critical point,” Dr Attracta Farrell, the president of the association, said yesterday.

She referred to a 13-year-old girl she recently diagnosed with scoliosis as a result of the heavy schoolbag she was carrying. Scoliosis is a medical condition affecting the spinal cord and can, in severe instances, cause diminished lung capacity, putting pressure on the heart, she said.

The association recommends that a growing child should carry no more than 10 per cent of their body weight in their backpack. This amounts to about 4-5kg per 40-50kg student.


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