Time to get back into the swing of school [IrishTimes]

The summer’s nearly over, so how is your family going to manage the transition from play time to term time?

YOUR CHILDREN may still be in denial and shouting down any mention of the “S” word but it is only a matter of days now. What sort of adjustment will it be for your family? A seamless slide from summer into a new school year or will you all be traumatised by the return of early mornings and the demands of new timetables?

It makes sense to start preparing your children with gradually earlier bedtimes at least a week before. Although some parents of teenagers see no point in extended nagging and prefer to let them go “cold turkey” on the morning school reopens.

Here is a guide to getting your offspring back into the groove for a new academic year, so that everybody can get out of the house in the morning on time – with their tempers intact.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com


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