Greater vigilance urged on cyber-bully problem [IrishTimes]

A LEADING anti-bullying expert has urged greater vigilance from parents and schools about the growing problem of cyber-bullying, most of which occurs via mobile phone.

Prof Mona O’Moore of the Anti-Bullying Centre at Trinity College Dublin warned that cyber-bullying “must not be treated lightly”, as it can destroy a child or teenager’s social and emotional life.

It could also cause children to dislike school, underperform academically and, in the worst cases, it could lead to self-harm and suicide, she said.

A recent study showed one in four girls and one in six boys here had been involved in cyber-bullying, either as a victim, bully or both.

Most cyber-bullying (57 per cent) is carried out via mobile phone.

Text-messaging is the most common form, with almost one in three girls and 22 per cent of boys reporting having received nasty text messages in and out of school.


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