Balloons fly off to promote the Cliffs [IrishExaminer]

MORE than 700 orange balloons filled the skies at the Cliffs of Moher yesterday as a campaign with a difference took flight.

A strong westerly wind took the biodegradable balloons out of view within 30 seconds of being released by children from 20 north Clare primary schools at the world renowned attraction.

The event is part of a campaign to have the Cliffs selected as one of the "New7Wonders of Nature" after last year being shortlisted for the final 28.

Each balloon is printed with the Vote for the Cliffs logo and a message to contact the Cliffs of Moher visitor centre.

Yesterday, the manager of the Cliffs of Moher Visitor Centre, Katherine Webster, speculated that the some of the balloons may find their way past the east coast and across the Irish sea to Britain.

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