Editor's Viewpoint: Cuts to education risk going too far [belfasttelegraph.co.uk]

The latest revelation in today's Belfast Telegraph about the possible loss of up to 2,000 jobs in Northern Ireland's education system gives much cause for concern.

Many warnings have been given about the severity of the impending Government cutbacks on spending, but the education proposals, if they are implemented in full, will deal a serious body blow to one of the major sectors of our community.

Cuts of this nature would mean significant redundancies among teachers, and this would prove to be a retrograde step. The quality of education overall in this province is excellent but, if educational funding is to be cut so severely, it is inevitable that standards will drop.

High educational standards are important, not only for the young people involved, but also as an asset for Northern Ireland in its bid to attract inward investment.

Full Story: www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk

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