Not enough is being done to tackle bullying [IrishTimes]

TIME OUT: Phoebe Prince case highlights issue once again

THE DEATH in South Hadley of 15-year-old Phoebe Prince, and the classic aftermath of denial, secrecy, institutional silence and attempts to blame the victim, draws attention to the topic of bullying and how little progress has been made in tackling school bullying here.

Despite research since the 1980s highlighting the problem and proposing solutions, the issue of bullying arises again and again at tragic and starkly inevitable intervals when one more young life has been shattered or ended because of it.

Each decade, bullying finds more insidious means of expression. It shifts from playground to sports pitch, to journey home, to every minute of every day through new technologies that provide outlets for the bullies. It is a serious attack on the sufferer including physical assault, psychological mugging, mental battering and social exclusion.

Children suffer when they are bullied. It eats into their hearts, their trust in people, their belief that adults will rescue them, and their feelings of safety and security.


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