Brains count for as much as brawn in the army of today []

The army recruitment slogan promises "a life less ordinary'' -- and that is certainly the way Military College is turning out for cadet Bartley McFadden.

In the morning he might be studying law or history in a sedate lecture theatre. In the afternoon he could be learning to use a rifle, climbing rocks or crawling through trenches on an assault course.

Cadet McFadden, who has been at the Military College on the Curragh for nine months, is one of a growing number of graduates who are ditching desk jobs for careers in the Irish army, navy or air corps.

The 26-year-old from Donegal has a degree in Computers and Electronic Engineering from Trinity College, and worked for the telephone company Ericsson for four years before he joined up.

More than 2,500 young men and women have applied this year for just 30 cadetships in the defence forces.


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