Tips for the new school year []

One of the most important factors in a child’s success at school is the support he gets at home. As a parent, you have an important role to play in facilitating, encouraging, and preparing the way for your child to achieve academic happiness.

Succeeding in school makes school and learning a happier experience for your child.

Tips for parents

Encourage your child to be positive about school life and work.

Be on time. For the first weeks in particular, and indeed throughout your child’s school career, it is important that you are on time when picking him up from school.

Develop a good routine. Over the first few weeks of school, work at developing a good routine. Make sure your child is getting enough sleep — the first term at school can be particularly tiring for your child as he encounters new experiences and tries to adjust to a new routine. Try to ensure that your child has a regular bedtime and make a conscious effort to stick to it.

Pay attention to your child’s nutrition. Your child will need nutritious snacks and lunch for school, and will also need regular meal times at home. Again, the routine is important as it adds to your child’s sense of security and wellbeing.


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