Only 78 of our schools have fast web link []

A NEW high-speed schools broadband programme will transform Irish education, the Government maintained yesterday -- but only 78 of the country's 4,000 schools enjoy the fast link.

Communications Minister Eamon Ryan announced yesterday -- not for the first time -- a €13m scheme that has delivered 100-megabit-per-second broadband to 78 second-level schools, a speed equivalent to what big multi-nationals use.

But almost 700 more second-level schools will have to wait up to two years for it to be extended to them. And more than 3,200 primary schools have no timescale as to when they can expect it.

Speaking at St Colmcille's Community School, Knocklyon, Dublin, yesterday, Mr Ryan said the jobs of the future would be in the digital economy and children needed to be confident and comfortable in the use of technology.


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