Parents - don't go mad if the dog has eaten the homework []

Tens of thousands of schoolchildren have reason to cheer. Irish primary principals have finally admitted that homework is a waste of time.

All those hours spent toiling on sums and Irish vocabulary, with accompanying high-pitched grumbles to parents, are futile, if we are to believe the Irish Primary Principals' Network (IPPN).

The IPPN told last Thursday's Oireachtas Committee on Education: "There is little evidence to suggest that homework as we currently know it has any real benefit.''

If the principals follow their own teachings on the homework question, the days when young children, and parents, sweat over copy books at the kitchen table late into the evening may be numbered.

Pat Goff, president of the IPPN and principal of Scoil Mhuire National School in Wexford, said: "Homework causes a lot of stress between parents and children. It often erodes the short length 'quality-time' that parents have with their children.''


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