Special needs kids denied bus transport to Cashel schools [nationalist.ie]

The Department of Education's new policy of refusing school bus transport to special needs schools in Cashel to children from Carrick-on-Suir and eastern areas of South Tipperary was denounced as "bureaucracy gone mad" at a Co. Council meeting.

The Co. Council has decided to write to Education Minister Mary Coughlan calling on her to ensure that children with special needs living in South Tipperary be provided with school bus transport to the special needs schools in Cashel under its School Transport Scheme.

A motion tabled by WUAG Cllr Seamus Healy seeking this letter be sent to the Minister was unanimously approved at South Tipperary Co. Council's September meeting.

The Department used to approve school bus transport to children from Carrick-on-Suir and its hinterland attending both Cashel schools.

But since last year new students to these schools from the Carrick-on-Suir area have been refused school bus transport to Cashel on the grounds that the nearest special needs school to their home is St Joseph's in Waterford.


Full Story: www.nationalist.ie


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