Bill to allow jobs for unqualified teachers criticised [IrishTimes]

A FORMER minister for education has condemned as “facetious”, “insulting” and a “serious mistake” a provision in education legislation to allow for the employment of unregistered teachers.

Fianna Fáil TD Mary O’Rourke said that particularly at a time when so many qualified and experienced teachers were unemployed she was “appalled that any Government Minister or department would seek to enshrine this provision in legislation”.

Ms O’Rourke dismissed assurances by Tánaiste and Minister for Education Mary Coughlan that such appointments would only be in exceptional cases. She said “exceptions become the norm”.

She was speaking during the Dáil debate on the Education (Amendment) Bill, which provides for direct State involvement in setting up primary schools. The Bill also establishes the framework through which Vocational Education Committees become patrons of primary schools for the first time.

It also provides for the employment of unregistered teachers under specific conditions.


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