One child in five surfs net via mobile devices []

ONE in five children is using a handheld device such as an iPod to surf the internet, presenting parents with a new challenge in keeping track of what youngsters are viewing online.

The EU Kids Online survey examined the activities of children aged nine to 16 who use the internet regularly. It found that, within that group, the Irish used it less frequently than children in other countries.

But 21pc of the Irish go online on devices such as an iPod Touch or Sony PSP -- double the EU average. About 28pc go online from a mobile phone, in line with the EU average.

Parental involvement is particularly evident in Ireland, with 93pc practising some form of mediation. Parents in Ireland are more restrictive in their approach to their child's online activity -- 94pc compared with an EU average of 83pc -- in the form of setting rules to manage their internet use.


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